Which conference did you attend, Sarah? I had some good friends at Festival of Faith and Writing this past weekend.

Also, I think I am one of those people who calls people friend too quickly. πŸ˜‰ It's a habit I picked up from my youngest, who could make friends within minutes on any playground. It was never until much later that they would even exchange names. The decision to be a friend came first, the details would come in time. πŸ’œ

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Yes! Feeling this deeply! (And what a delight to meet you in person!)

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Apr 15Liked by Sarah E. Westfall

β€œCreate space on our own shoulders.” I love that Sarah!

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Apr 15Liked by Sarah E. Westfall

Yes! I'm absolutely feeling this too. And let me just say that you embody this so well. Thank you for letting me stand on your shoulders and for creating space for me at the table (and in the bnb, the car, the conference room, the conversations, etc.). :) Grateful for you.

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Apr 16Liked by Sarah E. Westfall

Yes to all of this! It was really wonderful to be at the Festival of Faith and Writing for my second time, to be around other writers, to be reminded of the wonder of words and commas and even em dashes, to deepen one or two friendships because that can happen more easily in person than online, and kindle some possible new friendships that can hopefully continue.

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It was so, so good to meet you, Sarah. Thank you for modeling the tenderness and generosity you write about.

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Apr 19Liked by Sarah E. Westfall

I was so moved, so many times at the FF&W! I was hoping to spot you in the crowd, but never did. However, I did pick up an ARC of your book from your publisher's table! Also, can one actually have too many em dashes? Shoot.

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