So excited for you! I had to leave my hard copy behind while we’re in Germany for a few weeks, but I cannot wait to be reunited with it when we’re back.

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Oh well I hope you have fun in Germany!!

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I like your question, “What do I need?” I have this quote above my desk that says, “Feeling overwhelmed means that you are undernourished. When people say they are overwhelmed we need to ask them, “What do you need?” This is a good reminder. Congrats on your book launch.

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I’m not always great at acknowledging or naming my need until I erupt. That quote is really good.

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Jun 10Liked by Sarah E. Westfall

Congrats on your book release! (I’m putting it on my stack and look forward to reading.)

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Thank you, Sara. So appreciated.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10Liked by Sarah E. Westfall

1) congratulations!

2) really like the title!

3) super excited for you!

4) book on the way!

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Four high fives right back at you. Thank you!!!

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Happy launch day! I like how you talk about "releasing" the book into the world, along with the illusion that we could manage or control outcomes.

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Thanks. It is so easy for me to forget. 🫶🏽

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Jun 18Liked by Sarah E. Westfall

Hi Sarah

I’ve just begun reading the book this past weekend and have already highlighted different quotes from the book!

It is really speaking volumes to me about being in groups, yet somehow not feeling like I belong there.

Looking forward to taking my time with it and really allowing it to sink in. Thanks again for releasing it to the world!

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It brings me so much joy to know that the book is resonating. Thank you so much for telling me.

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